LASIK Institute
in Istanbul

The LASIK Team
EyeSTAR LASIK's reputation is largely due to our surgeons' experience and involvement: the best surgeons in the field, who will be personally involved in every step of your procedure.
EyeSTAR physicians are some of the most experienced and skilled LASIK surgeons, who have experience dating back to excimer laser serial #001, the first commercially available laser. Unlike other surgeons who perform various types of surgery, our surgeons perform only eye laser refractive procedures. All of our surgeons and medical staff have work experience and/or have completed residencies abroad, in the best universities and medical centers. Many of our surgeons have received refractive surgery fellowships at leading hospitals and medical schools.
Finally, the success of EyeSTAR LASIK's results is dependent on our surgeons' involvement in every step of the EyeSTAR LASIK procedure, under the supervision of our medical director. From answering all of your questions to your suitability examination to the actual treatment, rest assured that an experienced ophthalmologist will be taking care of you in every step of your eye laser treatment.
Gurkan Celikkol, M.D.
Dr. Gurkan Celikkol was born in Edirne in 1965. Upon graduating from Galatasaray High School, he earned his degree at the Istanbul University Istanbul Medical School and went on to complete his residency at the Beyoglu Research Hospital.
Dr. Celikkol then went on to the United States, where he worked at Johns Hopkins University as a researcher in the biomedical department. After that, he went to University of California, San Diego, where he was involved as a researcher in numerous studies on the cornea and artificial intelligence systems. During his time in the U.S., Dr. Celikkol also researched refractive surgery and reputed eye laser centers in the U.S. and Europe.
Dr. Celikkol is reputed internationally as the founder and director of EyeSTAR and for numerous other accomplishments. He was featured in "Who's Who" for his success in starting, maintaining and promoting health tourism in Turkey. His area of interest is artificial intelligence and he actively uses this technology to diagnose corneal problems.
Op. Dr. Cezmi Kahvecioglu
Op. Dr. Kazim Savci
Dr. Savci 1953 yilinda Ankara`da dogdu.
Ataturk Universitesi Tip Fakultesi`nden 1977 yilinda mezun oldu.
Kamu hizmetine Bursa Devlet Hastanesi`nde basladi.
1982-2005 yillari arasinda Turhal Devlet Hastanesi, Elbistan Devlet Hastanesi, Bingol Devlet Hastanesi`nde uzman doktor olarak hiznmet verdi.
Calismalarini bir cok ulusar ve uluslar araso kongre ve sempozyumlarda sundu.
2005 yilinda kendi muayenehanesinde hizmet vermeye basladi.
2019`dan beri calisma ve arastirmalarina EyeSTAR`da devam etmektedir.

Contact Us:
WhatsApp: +90-212-361-5000
WhatsApp: +90-541-500-1900
Phone: +90-212-361-5000
Manager email: manager@eyestar.us
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