LASIK Institute
in Istanbul

lasik results
Our goal is to correct your vision to be between 20/10 (more than 20/20) and 20/40 (legal driving vision)Numerous studies have been published about LASIK results. Even the most pessimistic studies state that at least 90% of all the LASIK patients achieve a vision equal or better than driving license requirements. All of our existing LASIK patients (without any preexisting eye diseases such as lazy eye, retinal diseases etc.) see far better than these requirements. Although no results can be guaranteed, our goal is to correct your vision to be between 20/10 (more than 20/20) and 20/40 (legal driving vision) without glasses or contacts.
At EyeSTAR LASIK Institute Istanbul, we are meticulous in tracking our outcomes and analyzing them statistically. This attention to detail allows us to create reproducible, excellent outcomes. Our patients are very happy. Because people heal differently, outcomes can vary. So it is important that your expectations are reasonable, and this will be discussed with you during your consultation. If you are over 40 years old, you may need to wear reading glasses afterwards. As presbyopia naturally occurs in this age group or you may choose to have monovision.
Your corrected vision following LASIK depends on the strength of your prescription as well as other individual factors. As with any surgical procedure the results are not guaranteed. However, all of our patients without any preexisting eye disease such as lazy eye, retinal diseases etc., see 20/40 or better (enough to pass a driver's exam). 99% of our patients achieve 20/20 or 20/25 vision. Although the vast majority of our patients will achieve excellent vision without glasses or contacts, a few will have a small residual refractive error, leaving them still slightly nearsighted or farsighted or with astigmatism. Most of these patients can see fine for most of their daily activities, and use a thin pair of glasses for such tasks as nighttime driving. If you would like this residual refractive error corrected, an enhancement laser procedure can be performed after six months. The enhancement rate in our practice at EyeSTAR LASIK Institute Istanbul is 0.5%. Our doctors will weigh the probable benefits, patient expectations, and potential risks when determining whether an enhancement is appropriate. Typically, patients considered for an enhancement procedure should have at least 1.00 diopter of residual hyperopia, myopia or astigmatism or unaided vision of 20/40 or worse. Enhancement procedures should only be performed once adequate corneal healing and stability is achieved.
The goal of refractive surgery is to reduce your dependence on glasses and/or contact lenses, and very few LASIK patients may benefit from reading glasses or distance glasses when they desire perfect near or distance vision.
People often ask how long the benefits of their procedure will last. The first nearsighted patient's eye ever treated with laser vision correction was in the United States in 1987. That patient achieved 20/20 vision following treatment and is still 20/20, almost two decades later. Today, most experts around the world are confident that they will discover no long-term problems with laser vision correction. Based on the excellent results seen to date, laser vision correction has become the most commonly performed refractive procedure in the world.

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